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tv   Sanjay Gupta MD  CNN  September 30, 2012 7:30am-8:00am EDT

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ago. remember that whole thing? >> see, i think he's trying a little too hard. show the new ad. >> and now a message from mitt romney. too many americans are struggling to find work in today's economy. my plan will create 12 million new jobs over the next four years. >> i'm mitt romney, and i approve this message. toll pohl ticks can be funny. i'll be back with more news an hour from now. "sanjay gupta, m.d.," begins right now. all right, thanks for being with us. today amazing progress on the war on cancer. there are real cures being developed but they come with staggering cost. also i hope you have a strong stomach for this. you're not going to believe what we found in the filthy restaurant play areas. the fcc has asked the cell phones to update their safety.
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first medical care. this week we're going to see the first first debate between mitt romney and president obama. health care is a key issue, one of the biggest, in fact, and it's back in the spotlight this week after romney said people without insurance can always just go to an emergency room. now, with barely a month to go before the election, i wanted to zero in on what's at stake here. since president obama's health care law was enacted, 3.1 million people under the age of 26 are now covered by their parents' plans, and preventive care is covered 100% by insurance companies. seniors in particular have benefitted on prescription drugs. >> seniors who fall in the coverage gap known as the doughnut hole will start getting some help. they'll receive $250 to help pay for prescriptions, and that will over time fill in the doughnut hole. >> 5.5 million seniors have
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saved a total of $4.5 billion on prescription drugs since it was enacted. hi also plans to slow spending on medicare. >> i've strengthened medicare. we've added years to life of medicare. we did it by getting rid of taxpayer subsidies that weren't making pea hemmier. >> reporter: by 2014 the law requireser everyone to have health insurance, whether they purchase it themselves or through employers and insurers can't deny you if you have a pre-existing condition or increase your rates. the law has become a cornerstone or the obama campaign. >> i refuse to eliminate health insurance for millions of americans who are poor and elderly or disabled, also those with the most can pay less. >> but romney says the affordable care act is unaffordable. >> we know that health care is too expensive. obama care doesn't make it less
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expensive. >> he wants obama care gone, including the prescription drug benefit for seniors. but he does want to keep the most popular pieces of obama care although he doesn't say exactly how this plan would work. >> we have to make sure that people who have pre-existing conditions can get insured and that folks who get sick won't get dropped by their insurance company. >> romney and his running mate paul ryan promise to cap medical insurance, cap mcut medicate by $810 billion over the next ten years. give states more control over their medicaid funds, overhaul medicare. >> this financial support system is designed to guarantee that seniors can always afford medicare coverage, no exceptions. >> now, there's some major differences between the candidate as you see there, but perhaps one of the biggest
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splits is over medicate. currently most people understand medicaid to be a safety net for the poor, but what it actually covers is poor families with children, pregnant women, people with disabilities, as well as senior citizens. there's a lot there. joaned me from new york is andrew ruben. he also oversees 1,400 doctors at the new york medical center. i hope i got that right you and i talked about this before. medicate cove-- medicare covers many. >> there are millions of americans in the medicare program fwlus are 9 million medicare beneficiaries, 9 million who are also eligible for medicaid. they're called duly eligible. they're disabled americans. they could be under 65 but the bulk of them are over 65 and poor. they have no seattled and no money so they rely on medicate
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to pick up a lot of the costs and services that medicare doesn't cover. long-term care being a big one. >> so some of the changes that are being proposed, for example, with obama care, what does that mean for these seniors? >> well, for obama care, these duly eligible seniors, there should be no change. there are cost control provisions but we're not going to talk them. i think everybody recognizes we have to take costs out of the current health care system, medicare included buchl what we're really talking about is the difference between what president obama has in the health care reform law and what the ryan plan talks about, which is converting medicaid dollars to state grants, block grants which would essentially give states control over the medicide dollars an reduce dollars and potentially cut services. there'll be fewer dollars so anyone who's getting medicaid, there'll be less services
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available. >> of course, when you talk to the romney ryan folks, they say, look, medicaid is simile too expensive and they consider this giving states more flexibility in how they run the program. so i mean is that a bad idea at that level? >> you know, sanjay, this is a big philosophical issue. i don't anyone doesn't want to help the most in need. the there's no question about that. i don't think any republican or democrat would say we can't help these people. president obama and his health care law believes we can afford this, whatever he put into law. the republican platform so far on health care reform is we have to make duerr with less and those are -- there's no one right answer here. they're just two very different fills philosophical prices.
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>> thanks so much as always. coming up, the world's first treatment for melanoma, a type of skin cancer. [ female announcer ] for everything your face has to face. face it with puffs facial tissues. unlike the leading regular tissue, puffs has soft, air-fluffed pillows for 40% more cushiony thickness. so you can always put your best face forward. face every day with puffs softness. has oats that can help lower cholesterol? and it tastes good? sure does! wow. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy. what's the rush? those little things for you, life's about her. but your erectile dysfunction - that could be a question of blood flow. cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment's right. you can be more confident
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largest cancer center in the world announced this plan to radically reduce deaths from cancer all in the next few years. as a matter of fact, they call it their version of the moon shot program. this is an extreme challenge to treat, but i did see firsthand why there's so much excitement about this. at 32 years old brian rose was chasing a dream. baseball coach for the wichita wingnuts, he was working his way up toward the big leagues but in april 2010 he saw a troubling spot in the mirror. >> err morning you brush your teeth and see it but i had the mindset if i feel okay, nothing's wrong. >> that was key. he felt fine and he didn't think he needed to get checked out. but his girlfriend lupe insisted and she was right. it was skin cancer, melanoma. they cut it out but six months
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later brian's doctors told him it had spread to his lungs. >> but i remember the specific question when he kind of pulled me aside and said, now are you -- do you understand what we're dealing with here and if you break it down even further, i think he was asking me, do you understand that this could kill you? >> once it spreads, melanoma is almost always deadly, but the odds are better than they used to be. one reason is a drug that brian receives, zelberoff. listen to the way brian describes the medication. >> i see these things pop up while you're taking it, and they pop up and go away. they pop up and go away. >> you eventually want the tumors to stop growing and redress. you've seen it on scans. have you seen evidence of that? >> yeah, i sure did. >> it works on certain types of
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melanoma called b raf. zelboraf works on that. it slows down the immune system like the brakes on a car. >> what does yervoy work? >> the antibody that's yervoy takes the brakes off so it can go after the cancer sell. >> it doesn't always work but 10% of the time the tumor shr k shrinks by 10%. sometimes it goes away entirely. this new drug is turning the tide of new cancers. >> all of that is exciting but often breakthroughs come with sticker shock. this medicine, $88,000. zoner rof, and yervoy, this
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medication is $120,000 for four doses which makes up standard therapy. big sticker shock. that doesn't take into account the hundreds of thousands of dollars for hospital fees an physician's charges. all of that goes into taking care of a patient with cancer. >> it adds up quick. >> reporter: as part of a clinical trial he got it for free. he was only able to continue because the company that makes the drug agreed to keep providing it. >> i think because i can see the pictures, i can see scans, i can see that the disease was regressing, you know, and i new that good things were happening. you kind of get a taste of what that was like before cancer. >> and what a taste. a year after his diagnosis, brian and lupe got married. in some people zelberof works
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miracles. in some cases they don't last. >> i have had people who were bed ridden and were able to get up and take their kids to dizney world. the issue is it only lasts a few months and the tumor comes back. this summer dr. hu told brian it's time to come back. brian is one of the first people in the world to receive this. it's called till with den dritic sells. dr. hu takes cells called t-cells. t-cells can attack cancer. dr. wu nurture those cells, then grows other cells, cell which acts as a vaccine. it helps t-cells in breen's body. he'll infuse those cells into brian. in effect it's an anti-cancer smart bomb. >> you've had other patients gou three this.
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it's brand new. how have some of those patients done? >> well, our response rate is between 40% to 50% which is very high for metastatic advanced melanoma. some have done very well. over two to three years without any sign of disease. >> remember, most of these patients would ore wise die in eight months. if it keeps going well, dr. hwu hopes to keep doing it. >> if we do this right hopefully dying of cancer will be related to patients dying of pneumonia. but if someone dies from pneumonia, people say, hey, that's unusual. to get there, someone has to pave the way. now they've been getting ryan ready for the past few days. he's going to get that actual infusion on monday. it will be a couple of months before they do follow-up scans an he started to get any sense of whether this treatment is working. we'll keep an eye on brian and
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let you know huh ee doings. up next as a parent, you're not going to want to miss this. >> okay. so here we go on our little tour. >> fast food restaurant play areas. they can be a breeding ground for bacteria like you wouldn't believe.
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i was talking to my best friend. i told her i wasn't feeling like myself... i had pain in my pelvic area... and bleeding that wasn't normal for me. she said i had to go to the doctor. turned out i had uterine cancer, a type of gynecologic cancer. i received treatment and we're confident i'll be fine. please listen to your body.
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if something doesn't feel right for two weeks or longer, see your doctor. get the inside knowledge about gynecologic cancers. knowing can make all the difference in the world.
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look in the cracks. there it is. oh, filth. that is appalling. you can see all the old food. there's trash. >> you're listening to erin carr jordan. she's bacteria-fighting mom and
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she's been filming the filt at restaurant play areas. like me she's concerned about her kid's safety. she's talked with me about this before. she's home in phoenix. welcome back to the program, erin. >> thanks so much. good minering. >> good in yours as well. that really caught my attention. tell us, remind us, how you got started on all this. >> this all got started by happenenstance. i just happened to be with one of my sons. we went into an establishment that had one of the play areas, and i followed him in because he was still pretty little, and right away we noticed that there was a very big problem that needed correcting, including broken equipment, cracks many the equipment that could amputate or second story windows that were broken, and it was absolutely filthy and disgusting. it smelled like urine. it was covered in graffiti. it clearly was a marker that something was really wrong. >> wrau. again, you know, the filth is one thing, but also these broken
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areas that are potentially dangerous, can break a limb or something. you know just last week governor jerry brown in california vetoed a bill that would have established these standards for cleaning and for safety at these restaurant playgrounds, and the letter to the california state assembly that passed the bill, he wrote this. he wrote, "until there's more evidence that the problem warrants new state law, let's let the locals enforce what can already be called a comprehensive mandate." that was his quote, erin, and he says, look, let the local folks basically handle this. let's not do this at the state level. there's not enough evidence. what do you say to him? >> well, i would say the data that supported this is the large sxes most comprehensive ever collected in the united states. it is far larger than anyone else. i happen to be a very concerned mom, but more importantly, i'm also a researcher, and we looked at more than 25 states and more than 70 locations. clearly, the local authorities don't have the authority. it's not within their band width or yourself dikz as present.
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that was verified at every turn and many every county. in fact, someone from the environmental health department testified at the assembly health hearing and said, hey, listen, we don't go in there right now. not only don't we include it in our inspections, but we can't require corrective action in the event that a problem exists. >> i think a lot of people don't realize that there isn't some sort of local either health authority or other authority who has some sort of defined jurisdiction, but i should point out as well, you also know the maricopa county board of supervisors in california unanimously voted in favor of the health code you've been pushing for so long, and that's become law. that's where you live. i know you've had a lot to do with it. where do you go from here next some. >> i'm working with other states. i'm still very optimistic that this will be picked up on a federal level so there's a consensus across the 50 states. i really do think it's a national health concern. the data indicates such. wills no discrepancy between the states that i have been to, so i'm very, very hopeful that
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senators, representatives from across the country will say, hey, we recognize that this is a problem and we want to make sure that we're keeping the children in our state safe. we'll pick it up. i intend to meet people in texas next week and so on and so forth around the country and in the upcoming weeks and months. >> thank you for bringing this issue to light. i think a lot of people simply didn't know about it. it wasn't something i had thought of either. thanks so much. >> thank you so much. still ahead, think about this all the time. is your cell phone safe? we'll tell you how to cut your risk of radiation. there's important stuff here. i'll tell you what to do, what i do. first up, motorcycles are dangerous enough, and when you add in a muggy dirt track and 40 other riders going at top speeds, the stakes get pretty high. now, imagine being on that track and not being able to hear anything at all. >> reporter: for ashley motocross racing is in her blood. dmroo my dad used to race, and he brought me to watch one race,
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and i was 3 years old, and i fell in love. >> reporter: there's something different about ashley. she can't hear a thing. ashley was born completely deaf. she speaks to us through her sign language translator and her friend natalie. >> i don't know it would be riding hearing. i grew up, and i was born deaf. >> reporter: in a sport that prides itself on making noise or hearing europe independents coming could be the difference between win and losing, ashley stands alone. >> she really has to hold my lines when i'm riding because it's really hard to see if someone is coming up behind me. >> reporter: she also uses the vibrations of the engine to make sure she's in the right gear. at this race ashley was the only deaf rider ever to compete in motocross was trying for her fourth championship title. >> i feel really good and hit every jump and the big double. i hope i can win and hope to be the champion. >> reporter: she achieved just that.
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beating out her closest rival for the marshall championship. for ashley it's about more than just winning. >> i think it's really cool to be a role model for the deaf community, and it's cool to have people look up to you. >> reporter: for natalie, her friend's impact is obvious as well. >> she is very important to womens motocross. she's an idol for all these young girls, whether she's deaf or not, she is smaller than i am, and she can ride a dirt bike like that, it's crazy. >> reporter: proof that anything is possible. hmm, it says here that cheerios helps lower cholesterol as part of a heart healthy diet. that's true. ...but you still have to go to the gym. ♪ the one and only, cheerios 8% every 10 years.age 40, we can start losing muscle -- ...but you still have to go to the gym. wow. wow. but you can help fight muscle loss with exercise and ensure muscle health.
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i've got revigor. what's revigor? it's the amino acid metabolite, hmb to help rebuild muscle and strength naturally lost over time. [ female announcer ] ensure muscle health has revigor and protein to help protect, preserve, and promote muscle health. keeps you from getting soft. [ major nutrition ] ensure. nutrition in charge! something this delicious could only come from nature. now from the maker of splenda sweeteners, discover nectresse. the only 100% natural, no-calorie sweetener made from the goodness of fruit. the rich, sweet taste of sugar. nothing artificial. ♪ it's all that sweet ever needs to be. new nectresse. sweetness naturally. and the candidate's speech is in pieces all over the district. the writer's desktop and the coordinator's phone are working on a joke with local color.
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the secure cloud just received a revised intro from the strategist's tablet. and while i make my way into the venue, the candidate will be rehearsing off of his phone. [ candidate ] and thanks to every young face i see out there. [ woman ] his phone is one of his biggest supporters. [ female announcer ] with cisco at the center... working together has never worked so well. and get outstanding deals with the travelocity fall hotel sale. you can save up to 40% on select hotels. so book your hotel now and save up to 40%. hurry, offer ends soon. book now at travelocity.
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it's important because research takes time. it can take decades to actually get answers so when you hear that we know that they're 100% safe, we actually don't know. but here's what we do know. the longest international study called interfound found that people in the study with the heaviest cell phone use for at least ten years, in fact, doubled their risk of brain dileoma, a type of tumor. cell radiation is now listed in the same category as lead paint. they consider cell phones a possible carcinogen. i think it's simple to lower your ebbing posure. for example, i always use a wired ear piece, something that looks like this. also, try not to talk with the phone directly against your head. or keep it directly against your body. even the safety manual for this blackberry, but it says to keep the phone at least an inch away from the dy


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